Sunday, 17 March 2013

Vacation- Day 1

Day 1
So I decided to start blogging about my trip to Cuba day by day. Since we had to leave the airport at 2:30am, I decided that I'd just stay up until then and sleep at the airport/plane rather than get like 2 hours of sleep then have to get up again. It wasnt until after everyone was up and in the lobby of the hotel waiting for the shuttle bus to the airport that we found out that our flight was delayed 2 and a half hours. Would've not had to leave so early and I could've slept. But I got plenty of sleep at the airport and on the plane. I bought one of those pillow things that a designed for travelling that go around your neck and ohhhhh my goodness does it ever work wonders. We landed in Cuba and after a hour and a half bus ride we were at our resort. First thing after arriving was a stop at the bar for a refreshing piƱa colada and a hamburger at the grill. There wasn't much else to do since it wasn't long until the sun went down and we we're all so exhausted, so after a quick exploration of the resort, we we're all of to bed. Didn't even make the night show. To be continued..... (with much more interesting things)...

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