The medium is the message, the phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan, is still relevant today. The way a message is told directly impacts how important the recipient deems it to be. For instance, if Mrs. Smith tells me that Stephen King is coming to SRHS, I’d believe it but I might have some doubts, but if our principal told me the same thing, it would be more believable. True story. Most people believe in authority. We also seem to heavily believe in what we trust. For instance, we have learned to not believe everything we see on the Internet because anyone can publish anything they please regardless of how true it is and a lot of trolling happens. If you try to look up why your ankle hurts, you’re going to end up being told that you have 3rd degree burns, throat cancer, and pregnant (regardless of gender) by a bunch of random people who think they know what they’re talking about on the internet. Or just trolling. For all we know, it could be some high school dropout who’s username on the forum you’re looking at is “Dr.Jones”. Yet if we hear something on TV, such as the news, we automatically take it as fact. If the news broadcaster told us that there was a new study that discovered that there’s a huge meteor coming straight towards Sussex with impact in approximately 5 minutes would cause much more of an uproar if it was on the internet. The medium is the message.
1) http://pastormattblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/interaction49.png
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