Social media has redefined how people communicate today.
With the Internet being accessible mostly anywhere around the world, anyone
could contact anyone continents away in seconds with the click of a button. Its
crazy to think of how far communication has come even in the past 60 years. In
some ways, I think that communication is bad from how easy it is. Instead of
going out and getting the nerve to talk to someone in person first, some people
will just talk to them on Facebook. Instead of asking a girl out in person,
some people do it online or via text message. Some people say things to others
online that they would never say in person. Some couples talk all the time
online or via text message, but hardly talk and are all awkward when their in
person. For these reasons, I much prefer meeting someone in person and getting
to know them then before I talk to them over the internet or text message.
Already knowing much of what there is to know about someone and already of had
many general conversations over the internet or text message and then meeting
them for the first time just seems artificial and weird to me.
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